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Welcome to PULSE! You’ve been invited by a friend or family member to start your wellness journey with us.
Enjoy $20 off your first visit when you quote your friend or family member's details below. Once your friend or family member has been verified as a current customer of PULSE, they will also receive $20 credit on their next visit.
Referrer Name*
Referrer Contact Number*
Referrer Main Outlet* —Please choose an option—The Woodleigh Mall (TCM + Allied Health)Camden Medical (TCM + Allied Health)Marina Bay Link Mall (TCM Clinic)Paragon (TCM Clinic)Great World (TCM Clinic)Raffles Place (TCM Clinic)Millenia Walk (TCM Clinic)Tang Plaza (Sessional TCM Clinic - Redefine Perfection)
Your Name*
Your Email*
Your Contact Number*
Your issue(s)/Concern(s)* COVID-19Common ailments (Cough, sore throat etc.)CancerCholesterolDiabetesDigestive issuesDizzinessEye conditionsFace & Skin ConditionsFatigueFertilityGeneral HealthGoutHair lossHeart healthHeadache or MigraineImmunityInsomniaMental healthMen's HealthPain & injuryPaediatrics (Children)Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)SlimmingWomen's HealthOthers (Please specify)
Services/Programmes(optional) AcupunctureAcne ManagementBa Guan (Cupping)/ Gua Sha (Scraping)Bone settingEye disorderFacial AculiftFertility PlanningHair Loss TreatmentLong Covid FatigueMedical Nutrition Therapy (Dietitian)PaediatricsBIXEPS Muscle RecoverySleep & Stress ManagementSports EnhancementSub-Health & Chronic ConditionsTuina TherapyWeight ManagementOthers
Preferred Outlet* —Please choose an option—Camden Medical (TCM + Allied Health)Marina Bay Link Mall (TCM Clinic)Bukit Timah (TCM Clinic)Paragon (TCM Clinic)Great World (TCM Clinic)Raffles Place (TCM Clinic)Millenia Walk (TCM Clinic)Tang Plaza (Sessional TCM Clinic - Redefine Perfection)
NOTE: BIXEPS is currently only available at our Paragon clinic.
Preferred Date*
Preferred Time* —Please choose an option—11.00 am11.30 am12.00 pm12.30 pm1.00 pm1.30 pm2.00 pm2.30 pm3.00 pm3.30 pm4.00 pm4.30 pm5.00 pm5.30 pm6.00 pm6.30 pm7.00 pm
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