About Us

PULSE TCM was first established with the goal to harmonise a modern outlook with traditional TCM knowledge and techniques.
Today, we are the modern TCM clinic in Singapore with 10 clinics located around town, as well as a dedicated foot reflex and pain management centre.
Most of our physicians are local and bilingual and are trained in Biomedical Sciences. All our physicians registered under TCMPB (Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board), a statutory board under the Ministry of Health.
We also actively seek to demystify and educate the general public about the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our physicians regularly produce educational content through online articles, webinars and corporate health talks.
We also have our askPULSE Q&A health portal that allows the public to ask questions privately and get advice from our physicians. Individuals are able to submit any questions about health, TCM, and more and get a response before opting to come for a consultation/ treatment.